About Us


Passion and Determination.

Those characteristics best describe Karen Marsh Burt, who firmly believes in the quote she coined, “If you’re having a nightmare. . . wake up and dream your own dream." ™

After years of dreaming of being a successful entrepreneur, Karen decided to take her own advice and implement the necessary steps to make her dreams become a reality. Now she encourages others to do the same. 

Originally from Birmingham Alabama, a devoted Mother and Servant Leader, Karen has over 20 years of experience in food service preparation and management.  Karen started making candy apples as fundraising efforts for her daughters cheerleading squad and for football game vending requests. Later, the candy apples were presented as birthday party gifts to all the children in her younger daughter’s elementary class. As her daughters grew up, many of the customers urged Karen to continue to offer the delicious candy apples they had grown accustomed to! You too will simply love our delicious Granny Smith Candy apples.”

Today Karen is the owner of Karen’s Vegan Bistro, LLC DBA Karen’s Bistro, and Unity Associates International LLC. Karen is also a licensed Realtor in the state of Alabama. She consistently encourages others to wake up and dream their own dream. With Karen’s recent launch, UnityExceptionalBusinessAcademy.com, she is now teaching others how to do just that!


The best candy apples I’ve had in the city! Caramel is not too hard, not too soft and the toppings are so unique and tasteful!
Jayla E
Jayla E

We Offer Various Quality Candy Apples!

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